REEBOK  "Illustrate Your Story" 
Official Campaign
Project Overview
These painted shoes were commissioned by Reebok Canada as part of their #IllustrateYourStory social media campaign. The prompt was to create an original design on their Reebok Tridecas that represented the artist's hometown or upbringing, and film a timelapse of the process. Along with two other Canadian artists, I was contacted by the MKTG marketing team to bring my own story to this project. I represented my hometown of Calgary, Alberta with the use of mountain landscapes, a city skyline and a bold, dynamic color palette.
Timeline: 5 days   
Responsibilities: Graphic design, Set design, Videography

The project had a tight timeline, and at the time I was living on residence at University. With the help of some friends, we created a makeshift studio setup in my dorm room to film the painting process and photograph the shoes, all in one day. 
Working with the MKTG marketing team, the videos and photos were then used to create an online Instagram campaign promoting the Tridecas. 
Finalized Instagram Story Ad
Featured on the MKTG & Reebok Classic Canada Instagram pages. 

Featured Artist: Janine Loo
Creative Direction: Janine Loo​​​​​​​
Photography: Mateo Miranda Santarini
Additional Editing by Reebok Canada
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